but I am not sure how.
Any advice?
but I am not sure how.
Any advice?
sometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
Just my personal observation, but belivers seem " NOT" to have had a big dissapontment in their belief system, be it spiritually, or mentally. Personally I think this is what needs to happen in order for "belivers " Not" to believe?"
Therefore Cofty's list of why he doesn't believe is as beneficial to belivers, as Cofty pulling his trousers down. And the reason I say that is that it's true. Thinking ruthless logic to a believer will change their thinking is naive.
But you never know, anything can happen in life...my life on the ministry taught me teaching fantasy and a "paradise on earth" was an easier sale than " we live and simply die". The reason was I only had return calls with those interested in "my" message.
Reality checks are not always welcome.
i left school at 16, because i was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
how did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?.
Thanks for the replies. I think many of the comments have shown that posters had more affection for the school when a little independent thought was allowed.
compound and complex " I enjoyed the talks when we had more " freedom of speech" as well as access to research materials now disallowed"
Smiddy " The older publications had a level of gravitas that has gone missing"
And the above comments reminded that i did once look on the school affectionally. But I am not sure I could stomach it now.
i left school at 16, because i was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
how did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?.
G. " If " u" want to achieve something in life, choose the best education"
And whilst I appreciate you got something positive from the TMS, I am honestly not sure I did. Anyway i am glad I can teach my boy to knock on different educational opportunities.
p.s respect for your further educational achievements.
truth-b-known:- I appreciate your comment about skills for public speaking, but personally I believe I (we) would have learnt this skill regardless.
i'll start: stilton cheese.. (it was a toss up between that and sweet pickled beetroot).. thank you folks..
A portion of chips from the chippy, with lots of salt, a healthy splash of sarsons malt vinegar & topped with daddies sauce yummy.
A donner kebab with a strong chilly sauce and lots of green pepperoni....ummmm paradise.
i left school at 16, because i was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
how did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?.
I left school at 16, because I was studying and getting the best " university education" in the world.
How did the theocratic ministry school benefit you?
householder " who is jehover?".
freud " he is simply wonderful.
but i am simply a man trying to describe my thoughts, feelings and moments".
Householder " Who is Jehover?"
Freud " He is simply wonderful. But I am simply a man trying to describe my thoughts, feelings and moments"
Householder " So who is Jehover?"
Freud " Well he is the superiority of one man over another, not just in the quality of language; but also the quality of the heart, because I know as you read his Watchtower you will become awake, feel Jehover constantly close to you"
Householder :- "With Jehovers words can this closeness and tenderness ever replace the physical touch of sex?"
Freud:- " Jehovers words are an intermission before the physical touch, his words are instead a state of becoming, a means to awaken your heart"
Householder " Well my passion is to find truth, can I find this "truth" with Jehover?"
Freud:- " Jehovers words are not an hullusiation full of unfulfilled lust like sex. Please look at this article in this Awake magazine, it is about apples. Did you know their are 10,000 different types of apple?
Householder:- " So, what is your point?"
Freud:- " Well it was the forbidden fruit that opened Adams eye to the female body and thus the desire to kiss each and every pore of Eves body with delicacy"
Householder " Well I happen to have an apple pie cooking in the oven!"
Freud " Oh you have awakened passion inside of me, I see you are a female, beautiful to the physical touch. Can we share some apple pie?"
Householder " Do you mean you want to lay your head on my breasts, our bodies to become one, our love making a passion like art?"
Freud :- ( Thinking he is on to something good) " Yes please, sounds good to me"
Householder :- ( Wiser and more worldly than the great philosophical minds, and less hypocritical than the religious door knocker, understands the wounds of life are not to be judged replies:-) " people fall in love with words, people fall in love with power, people are born in to a religion, but they struggle with living up to them....let's share some apple pie"
The point of the O.P ?
Sometimes I honestly believe the only words worth listening to are the words of solitude and silence within our heart. Because these words are the basic condition of who we are, and the glimpse of the world through a strangers eyes be it Watchtowero or Freud, doesn't usually improve our world, our feelings, nor our heart.
Area LGT4,
Block:- The Graham Taylor Stand LG
Row DD
Seat 135.
Entry via 1-11
The above instructions are to find my seat for Saturday's football match. I believe 27,000 supporters will find their seat on Saturday.
Now when I talk with a Jehovers Witness, I have discovered asking simple instructions to research even the most basic flaws of the organisation never seem too work...therefore unless its personal i.e a close friend in the cult, I just feel happier taking my seat 135, Row DD and enjoying the game, and not judging my 27,000 other Watford supporters private beliefs, ( And I am sure a minority of those beliefs are even more wired than my former beliefs)
are children born crippled/diseased, uncared for, and dying prematurely proof that god does not exist?.
1) what do children born healthy and well cared for prove?
2) what do babies aborted (many of whom might have led a normal healthy life, and some of whom might have contributed much to the society like many scientists, doctors, engineers ....) prove?.
anointed1 ...you may have a point? Personally I don't get the point. What I get from your O.P and your post history is .....well when I left the " truth" i became overthinking and depressed. Not all thinking is going to make us happy....why over canvass your views? I have a feeling your O.P is best answered by saying read a good classic book, or just be less concerned about your O.P " Are children born/ crippled diseased uncared for , prematurely proof that God does not exist?"
Why do I say that?
Well the O.P will not get a sympathetic audience here. More importantly their has to be better ways to spend your time than starting OPs that won't change people to your thinking. I learnt that as a door knocker, as a witness I learnt I was playing with a bad hand...
santa claus fact or fiction?.
the earth was created 48,000 years ago ( the finished mystery pg 139).
god will destroy all of the churches on earth including all its millions of members in 1918.
Santa Claus fact or fiction?
The earth was created 48,000 years ago ( The finished mystery pg 139)
God will destroy all of the churches on earth including all its millions of members in 1918. ( The finished mystery pg 483)
Sadly it never occurs to the millions of Jehovers Witnesses to read and research such stupid statements from the book that it was founded on. A book that claimed to contain complete truth. ( UNBELIVABLE ! )
It pays to educate yourself " The clergy are like dumb dogs because they prefer to remain silent rather than accept one single " Truth" from Russels writings ( p.238)
Boo boo, gaa ga mama, mama....or the under 5 content, from Jesus:-
Matthew 18:3 Jesus said " Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" and I would also add a good Psychiartrist may also be in order.